Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil

I've had skin troubles for a big part of my teenage life and even into my twenties which was extremely depressing. I've gone through almost every brand imaginable, doctors for all kinds of scary AHA products, hormone pills and whatever else you can think of. It was a very disheartening process each time, trying something new and then getting no results or worse... total painful breakouts. I used to have to wear make up all the time because my skin was so sensitive that I would get a few pimples going out for a couple of hours without make up.

Sometime during all that, I got a job working in a spa and my colleagues recommended that I go very simple. They got me generic stuff that was very soothing for my skin and didn't contain any perfume or additives. I remember the face wash was light green and smelled like cucumber. More importantly, I remembered the relief my skin felt when I washed my face with that for the first time. Since then, I was convinced that I had to go natural. 

I've read a heap about Rosehip Oil and all the good things it does for scars. It boasts to help with scars, stretch marks, eczema and other skin concerns. I now only use Trilogy Certified Organic Rose Hip Oil every night, I don't add any other night creams or moisturisers. The rosehip oil does feel a bit oily but above all, my skin feels soothed. In Singapore the organic products all cost so much and I was really hesitant, but I checked online and saw a really good brand on Strawberrynet for a really good price.

Sometimes I also do my own "facials" (via Biore Pore Pack) and after ripping off the blackheads and probably a few layers of skin, I can't use moisturisers as my skin will start to itch and get irritated. I can only use rosehip oil after. Even if I forget and use something that causes itchiness, I wash it off and use the rosehip oil... the relief is immediate. The good part is that rosehip oil doesn't cause clogged pores, considering it's oil. I know some oils do cause clogged pores but not rosehip. It feels light and just comfortable.

I know it sounds too good to be true but I swear by it. I now go out without makeup whenever I like, just with Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil on and my skin feels really good. I get mine from Strawberrynet and it's SGD$60 for 45ml (which is a really big bottle). Each time you only need 2 or 3 drops, massage that on your skin and you're good to go. You don't need a whole lot. You can even use it on scars and it's supposed to lighten the scar in time. Try it!

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