Friday, 29 August 2014

Benefit Dream Screen

The reports have come out and everyone's on about sunscreen.  To be perfectly honest, when I go out on the weekends, I don't even use moisturiser.  Doesn't help that I enjoy going to the pool or to the beach.  Now that I'm older, I should at least pretend to be a little bit wiser.  I've decided that I will wear sunscreen when I go out, regardless of the weather or activity.

When I use make up, the sunscreen that I use is You Rebel Lite, my previous post was about that.  That has worked out pretty well thus far.  I did realise that my beauty box lacked sunscreen for when I'm not wearing makeup.  Therefore... I purchased Dream Screen from Benefit.  It has SPF 45 which is pretty good coverage.  But that was not the selling point for me.  What got me to click "Buy Me!' was that it claimed to have an invisible silky-matte finish.

If you're like me and have sensitive skin/ oily skin/ problem skin... the list goes on, you would have tried almost every item out there.  Anything that says matte or oil control, just buy!  I've become apprehensive about the matte finish but my main focus was the SPF. 

When I tipped the bottle to use it, I was slightly taken aback because it came out like looking like milk, consistency (not the smell).  Smell was like sunscreen, nothing special.  I don't know why but I had expected it to be more creamy instead of liquid.  Never mind that... I slap it on anyways.  To my delight, when it dried, it WAS silky-matte.  Just like it said.  It didn't feel oily like how sunscreen usually feels.  It was comfortable for the rest of the day that I was out so I would totally recommend it.

Dream Screen by Benefit for US$32 online, I'd say it's one of my new favourite essentials in my beauty box.

For the benefit of those who haven't seen it, this video shows you what happens to your skin when you use sunscreen.  It's amazing how glorious the sun is and yet can do so much damage. Watch the video here

There's even a song about sunscreen, I've included this for your listening pleasure. Watch the video of the sunscreen song here

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